[horde] set initial_application

Erling Preben Hansen erling at eph.dk
Wed Apr 22 20:25:58 UTC 2015

  Citat af Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Vilius Sumskas/LNK <vilius at lnk.lt>:
>>> Hello,
>>> again I like to ask for help solving my problem.
>>> I've horde+imp+wicked.
>>> the wiki is accessible without any authentication for read access.
>>> after authentication the user have write access to the wiki and "see"
>> imp.
>>> horde is installed in the webserver root https://example.org
>>> To access the wiki the url one have to explicit request
>>> https://example.org/wicked
>>> For that reason I setup the webserver to redirect only / to /wicked/
>>> But If I now click "login" I'm explicit logged in into wicked.
>>> Any setting "initial_application" in user preferences is ignored (here)
>>> What I like to have:
>>> anonymous access to https://example.org should display the wiki, after
>>> login the initial_application from user_prefs should be shown.
>>> How is the "horde way" to do that?
>> I don't think this is possible. AFAIK, all Horde applications should
>> in Horde subdir. This assumes that URL path is a subpath too. So you
>> cannot make both Horde itself AND Wicked live under /
> Well, you could still have the wiki at / and Horde in a different path.
> But AFAIU this is not what he requested, because he seems to be happy
> with redirecting to /wicked from /. The point was that after logging in
> (from within Wicked), the user shouldn't get back to Wicked, but to
> Horde.
> And this is indeed not possible. The login button always returns you to
> the URL where you clicked it. Only accessing Horde's webroot or
> login.php directly will get you to initial_application.
> --
> Jan Schneider
> The Horde Project
> http://www.horde.org/
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> --
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A question then...
If one only allow login on https  but allow non authenticated read access
to wicked.
if someone them reads on wicked and then decides to login to ad or change
He/she will get redirected to https and then login in to horde.

Will the login button then return you to wicked?


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