[horde] Setting date and time preferences

Jens Wahnes wahnes at uni-koeln.de
Thu Apr 23 16:39:52 UTC 2015

On Thu, Apr 23 2015, at 15:09:57 +0200, Jens Wahnes wrote:

> I tried to use
> $currentlocale = $scope_ob->get("language");
> but that doesn't seem to work (there isn't any value set).

After a while, I found a way to work around this. Not a particular
beautiful way to do it, but it works. In case anyone else is
interested, here's the function I came up with to select the default
"24 hour clock" setting based on the current language (or the preferred
language, if set). Feel free to use it -- or better yet: improve it.

    public function prefs_init($pref, $value, $username, $scope_ob)
      // This hook receives the preference name, preference value, username, and
      // the master scope object (Horde_Prefs_Scope) as parameters and uses the
      // return value from the hook as the new preference value.
      // Username will be null if the user is not authenticated.
      $loglevel="DEBUG"; # available choices: ERR, DEBUG, NOTICE, INFO
      Horde::log("prefs_init was called with these parameters: \$pref=$pref, \$value=$value, \$username=$username, \$scope_ob=".print_r($scope_ob,true), $loglevel);
      if ( ($pref == 'twentyFour') && isset($username) ) {
        Horde::log("prefs_init: I'm gonna get you one way ...", $loglevel);
        $currentlocale = $scope_ob->get("language");
        if ( ! ($currentlocale) ) {
          Horde::log("prefs_init: ... or another", $loglevel);
          $currentlocale = setlocale(LC_TIME, 0); // with second argument '0', it's not setlocale but getlocale, actually
        Horde::log("prefs_init: \$currentlocale=$currentlocale", $loglevel);
        if ( strlen($currentlocale) > 5 ) {
          // not in pure ll_CC format, so throw away the rest, e.g. shorten 'de_DE.UTF-8' to 'de_DE'
          $currentlocale = substr($currentlocale, 0, 5);
          Horde::log("prefs_init: shortened \$currentlocale to $currentlocale", $loglevel);
        $twelveHourLocales = array("ar_OM", "ar_SY", "en_US", "en_CA", "el_GR");
        if (in_array($currentlocale, $twelveHourLocales)) {
          Horde::log("Setting default 24-hour-clock pref to false because of $currentlocale locale", $loglevel);
          return false;
        else {
          Horde::log("Default 24-hour-clock pref will be set to true because of $currentlocale locale", $loglevel);
          return true;
      return $value; // just as a safeguard

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