[horde] ActiveSync not authenticating - 401 Unauthorized

OnkelM onkelm08 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 19:18:31 UTC 2015

sorry for top post, how to avoid it? how to answer and do not top post?


2015-06-08 21:06 GMT+02:00 Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Please keep discussions on the mailing list and do not top post.
> Quoting OnkelM <onkelm08 at gmail.com>:
>  Hi Michael,
>> here is my config:
>>  $conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
>> $conf['activesync']['auth']['type'] = 'basic';
>> $conf['activesync']['autodiscovery'] = 'full';
>> $conf['activesync']['enabled'] = true;
>> i am not using auth hooks, only the default settings
>> so... where should is start to track it down? how?
>> Gruß
>> 2015-06-08 20:39 GMT+02:00 Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>>> Quoting OnkelM <onkelm08 at gmail.com>:
>>>  Hello,
>>>> how is this happening? I made the following test request:
>>>> POST https://horde-host/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
>>>>  ?DeviceType=WP8&Cmd=Provision&DeviceId=12345678901
>>>>> *Accept:* */*
>>>>> *Accept-Encoding:* gzip, deflate
>>>>> *Accept-Language:* de
>>>>> *Authorization:* Basic YWRtaW5Ab25rZWxtLmNvbTpCZDMwMDQ4NCM5NjQ0MA==
>>>>> *Cache-Control:* no-cache
>>>>> *Connection:* Keep-Alive
>>>>> *Content-Length:* 600
>>>>> *Content-Type:* application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
>>>>> *Host:* horde-host
>>>>> *Ms-Asprotocolversion:* 14.0
>>>>> *User-Agent:* runscope/0.1,ASOM
>>>>> *X-Ms-Policykey:* 0
>>>>> *Cmd:* Provision
>>>>> *DeviceId:* 12345678901
>>>>> *DeviceType:* WP8
>>>>> BODY
>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Provision
>>>>>   xmlns="Provision:">
>>>>>   <DeviceInformation
>>>>>     xmlns="Settings:">
>>>>>     <Set>
>>>>>       <Model>RM-821_eu_euro2_248</Model>
>>>>>       <IMEI>imeiimeiimeiimeiimei</IMEI>
>>>>>       <FriendlyName>Lumia 920</FriendlyName>
>>>>>       <OS>Windows Phone 8.0.9903</OS>
>>>>>       <OSLanguage>German</OSLanguage>
>>>>>       <PhoneNumber>+0152xxxxxxxx</PhoneNumber>
>>>>>       <UserAgent>MSFT-WP/8.0.9903</UserAgent>
>>>>>       <EnableOutboundSMS>0</EnableOutboundSMS>
>>>>>     </Set>
>>>>>   </DeviceInformation>
>>>>>   <Policies>
>>>>>     <Policy>
>>>>>       <PolicyType>MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML</PolicyType>
>>>>>     </Policy>
>>>>>   </Policies></Provision>
>>>>>  And Horde is answering this:
>>>>  401 Unauthorized
>>>>>  HEADERS
>>>>> *Allow:* OPTIONS,POST
>>>>> *Cache-Control:* private, max-age=10800, pre-check=10800
>>>>> *Connection:* Keep-Alive
>>>>> *Content-Encoding:* gzip
>>>>> *Content-Type:* text/html
>>>>> *Date:* Mon, 08 Jun 2015 18:17:07 GMT
>>>>> *Expires:* Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
>>>>> *Keep-Alive:* timeout=2, max=1000
>>>>> *Last-Modified:* Fri, 05 Jun 2015 15:28:26 GMT
>>>>> *Ms-Asprotocolcommands:*
>>>>> Sync,SendMail,SmartForward,SmartReply,GetAttachment,GetHierarchy,CreateCollection,DeleteCollection,MoveCollection,FolderSync,FolderCreate,FolderDelete,FolderUpdate,MoveItems,GetItemEstimate,MeetingResponse,Search,Settings,Ping,ItemOperations,Provision,ResolveRecipients,ValidateCert
>>>>> *Ms-Asprotocolversions:* 2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1
>>>>> *Ms-Server-Activesync:* 14.2
>>>>> *Public:* OPTIONS,POST
>>>>> *Server:* Apache
>>>>> *Set-Cookie:* PHPSESSID=8f3379819e428da3e5e28cf0b60c872c; path=/
>>>>> *Transfer-Encoding:* chunked
>>>>> *Vary:* Accept-Encoding
>>>>> *Www-Authenticate:* Basic realm="Horde ActiveSync"
>>>>> BODY
>>>>> (empty)
>>>>>  Why is Horde not accepting my login ?
>>> Could be a number of reasons: Misconfigured ActiveSync settings
>>> (configured to use full email address as username but only sending
>>> username, or the reverse), misconfigured auth hooks, x509 cert
>>> misuse/configuration etc...
>>> --
>>> mike
>>> The Horde Project
>>> http://www.horde.org
>>> https://www.facebook.com/hordeproject
>>> https://www.twitter.com/hordeproject
>>> --
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> --
> mike
> The Horde Project
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