[horde] Cannot redeclare class Horde_Hooks

meberhardt at unl.edu.ar meberhardt at unl.edu.ar
Sat Jun 13 15:25:51 UTC 2015

Hi all,

When I try to enable the authusername horde hook, I get the following  
horde error:

"Cannot redeclare class Horde_Hooks"

I'm using a modified version of authusername:

         public function authusername ($userId, $toHorde)
                 $domain = $GLOBALS['auth_params']['imp_server_key'];
                 if ($toHorde) {
ltrim(rtrim(Horde_String::lower($userId))) . '@' . $domain;
                 } else {
                         return (substr($userId, -strlen($domain)) == $domain)
substr(ltrim(rtrim(Horde_String::lower($userId))), 0, -strlen($domain))
                         : ltrim(rtrim(Horde_String::lower($userId)));

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*                      Matías A. Eberhardt                        */
/*                                                                 */
/*                     Centro de Telemática                        */
/*                      Secretaría General                         */
/*                UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL LITORAL                 */
/*      Pje. Martínez 2652 - S3002AAB Santa Fe - Argentina         */
/*           tel +54(342)455-4245 - FAX +54(342)457-1240           */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */

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