[horde] Themes issues?

Dominik Erdmann horde_mailing at der-domi.de
Wed Jun 17 19:46:48 UTC 2015

Am 17.06.2015 um 18:13 schrieb Jan Schneider:

>>> CSS cache ist stored in static/
>> Perfect! I deleted all cache files in static and the browser cache.
>> Now it looks fine again. Thanks!
>> Does make it sense to clear the files in the folders after the
>> lifetime of the specific caching files is expired?
>> CSS and JS cache is stored in static/ and theme cache in
>> $conf[cache][params][dir], correct?
> The cache expires automatically, but depending on whether you use a
> release or git installation, you may need to change the css cache settings.

Okay. The expiration is defined in the lifetime values. But the expired 
cache files will not be deleted automatically, correct?
I wondering why I had to delete the cache to get the correct CSS. The 
issue began a few weeks ago.

I'm using a git installation. Which settings do you mean? I don't see 
any difference to my PEAR release installation. Here are the cache 
settings of git.

$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = '/path/to/caching';
$conf['cache']['params']['sub'] = 0;
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'File';
$conf['cache']['use_memorycache'] = '';
$conf['cachecssparams']['driver'] = 'filesystem';
$conf['cachecssparams']['filemtime'] = false;
$conf['cachecssparams']['lifetime'] = 86400;
$conf['cachecss'] = true;
$conf['cachejsparams']['driver'] = 'filesystem';
$conf['cachejsparams']['compress'] = 'php';
$conf['cachejsparams']['lifetime'] = 604800;
$conf['cachejs'] = true;
$conf['cachethemesparams']['check'] = 'appversion';
$conf['cachethemesparams']['lifetime'] = 604800;
$conf['cachethemes'] = true;

Thanks a lot for your help!

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