[horde] SabreDAV upgrade
Jaume Miró
jaume.miro at upcnet.es
Thu Jun 25 08:03:09 UTC 2015
We are facing some kind of CalDAV synchronization problems, mostly
between Horde and some external clients like Thunderbird 38.0.1
(Lightning 4.0), and CalDAV-Sync (Android App).
We thought that it would be worth to try a SabreDav upgrade, if we
could get some advice from the community.
Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
> On 22.06.2015 10:18, Jaume Miró wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We would like to upgrade our Horde_Dav library to support the latest
>> stable SabreDAV.
>> It seems that Horde is shipping SabreDAV version 1.8.11 (SabreDAV 1.8
>> was EOL in May 2015) in its latest Horde_Dav library (1.1.2 stable).
>> Anyone knows if is it safe to replace the Horde_Dav library by a version
>> 2.0 or 3.0 of SabreDAV?
>> Thanks in advance.
> I'm not sure - major release changes my break part of the coupling code,
> but I have not looked at it. What do you want to gain by changing the
> SabreDAV version to another major revision?
> --
> Ralf Lang
> Linux Consultant / Developer
> Tel.: +49-170-6381563
> Mail: lang at b1-systems.de
> B1 Systems GmbH
> Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
> GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537
Jaume Miró
UPCNet - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
08034 - Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 401 16 00
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