[horde] Horde secure ldap intermittently fails on remote server.

Daniel Carrasco Marín d.carrasco at ttu.es
Mon Jul 6 09:34:05 UTC 2015

El 03/07/15 a las 09:02, Steffen escribió:
> On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Daniel Carrasco Marín wrote:
>> I've configured another local server with horde and works fine with 
>> ldaps then i don't know what can be the problem.
>> Se ha producido un error irreparable
>>     Unable to start TLS and unable to fetch rootDSE entry to see if
>>     TLS is supported: Can't contact LDAP server Parameters: Base:
>>     Filter: (objectClass=*) Scope: base
>> Another problem is that I can't use the 636 port for secure 
>> connections. Horde fails if i try to use that port instead the normal 
>> ldap port (389).
>> PDTA: I've another VM on same remote machine using ldaps too and 
>> works fine (owncloud). Even using the 636 port.
> try the standard network connection problem stuff first:
> + telnet ldap-server 389
> + telnet ldap-server 636
> + openssl s_client -connect ldap-server:636
> + ldapsearch -x -ZZ -H ldaps://djdjdjd/ -b 'base DN'
> "Can't contact LDAP server" sounds like a connection problem, esp. if 
> you say one server can connect to port 636 and yours can't.
> However, make sure you the proper CA installed, too.


Finally seems to be a problem of the Debian version, maybe some new 
versions are incompatibles with horde. I've installed another Virtual 
Machine with Debian Wheezy instead Jessie and now seems to works perfect 
and without random ldaps errors.

Thanks to all and greetings!!

Daniel Carrasco Marín
Técnicas Territoriales y Urbanas, S.L.
C/ Zurbano 92, 2º, 28003 Madrid
Tfno.: +34 91 571 93 46 (ext. 148) # Fax: +34 91 571 58 72

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