[horde] Kronolith Import ics Problem

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Jul 30 13:59:02 UTC 2015

Quoting Jens Hellermann <hellermann at we-do.com>:

> Am 30.07.2015 um 12:25 schrieb Jens Hellermann:
>> Am 29.07.2015 um 15:34 schrieb Jens Hellermann:
>>> Am 29.07.2015 um 15:11 schrieb Jens Hellermann:
>>>> Am 29.07.2015 um 12:02 schrieb Jens Hellermann:
>>>>> Am 29.07.2015 um 11:17 schrieb David Benfell:
>>>>>> Quoting Jens Hellermann <hellermann at we-do.com>:
>>>>>>> Dear Horde List Members,
>>>>>>> I'm busy testing how to import calendars that have been  
>>>>>>> maintained on my old system into horde. Some Calendars  
>>>>>>> especially small ones <1 MB  import without problems. But we  
>>>>>>> have complex calendars that have up to 20 MB and the import  
>>>>>>> into horde webmail fails. The syslog doesn't give out much  
>>>>>>> information:
>>>>>> This isn't a PHP upload size limit problem is it?
>>>>> Hi David, yes it is . Also had to increase memory limit  
>>>>> afterwords and increase execution time to 600. It looks much  
>>>>> better now and I can see first importing successes from alerts  
>>>>> popping up, but I don't see the whole calendar in the end. I  
>>>>> wish I could follow up on the progress of the calendar import in  
>>>>> a log. Have you got an idea where to look?
>>>>> Update: Also I get several errors in syslog:
>>>>> HORDE: [kronolith] Call to a member function addException() on a  
>>>>> non-object [pid 17484 on line 1445 of  
>>>>> "/var/www/horde/kronolith/lib/Event.php"]
>>>>> Kind regards, Jens.
>>>> Update: Import seems to be successfull, but is horribly slow: I  
>>>> took probes by exporting the calendar to compare its original  
>>>> size (26MB) to the export file. I then realized that the exportet  
>>>> file grows steadily in size:
>>>> 14:38:01        start import
>>>> 14:53:10        741 KB
>>>> 14:58:07        882 KB
>>>> 15:08:20        916 KB
>>>> So my beautifull Horde installation imports slower than a 56k  
>>>> modem. I can hear my hair grow. Anyone? Pls.????
>>> Question: Thunderbird seems to handle the import process quite  
>>> well, but all events with atendees cause automated invitations to  
>>> be send out. I guess this is not a thunderbird setting, as it  
>>> doesn't happen on local calendars. The invitations are triggered  
>>> while the events are created in kronolith. It could be a good work  
>>> around to just surpress these invitations during import, but I  
>>> didn't find any variable in the prefs.php to do so. Ideas welcome!  
>>> Kind regards, Jens.
>> Update: I googled general problems in connection speed from php to  
>> mysql and came along an article, that describes how a IPv4 and IPv6  
>> conflict can cause timeouts:
>> http://serverfault.com/questions/408550/connecting-to-mysql-from-php-is-extremely-slow For fist testing I added  --skip-name-resolve to my.cnf and changed |--bind-address= to  
>> ::.
>> That definitely speeds up the import process and momentarilly I  
>> experiment with the values max_execution_time and max_input_time in  
>> php.ini. An older example of import problems brought me this  
>> information. It proposes changing some maximum variable lenghts in  
>> the sql backend, but that didn't increase the amount of data I can  
>> import:
>> http://lists.horde.org/archives/kronolith/Week-of-Mon-20120402/008096.html  
>> It still stops at 1,7 MB without giving out any errors in the  
>> syslog. Any additional ideas are greatly appreciated.
> Update: I believe I found the problem that keeps kronolith from  
> importing all the .ics file. Obviously horde cannot handle events  
> created in Outlook that have file attachments like PDFs. Going  
> through the .ics file I found that these parts of the file always  
> DTSTART (if no categorie given) follows.
> Now I wonder if I can make kronolith ignore these passages, or if I  
> have to write a script that removes these attachments. Comments are  
> welcome!

Have you first verified that this is indeed the cause? I.e., tried a  
smaller import with and without these entries?

The Horde Project
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