[horde] details for horde ticket #9202

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Sun Sep 6 21:56:15 UTC 2015


I have "$_prefs['show_notepad'] = 1" in  
horde/mnemo/config/prefs.local.php to display the notepad name in  
mnemo listings.
But this work only for some users.

Looking for reasons I found this in my log:
   WARN: HORDE [mnemo] PHP ERROR: uasort(): Array was modified by the  
user comparison function [pid 5285 on line 93 of  

Finally I found the named horde ticket (  
https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9202 ) that workaround a php bug in turba.
Maybe the same workaround solve my issue in mnemo. But the link to  
http://git.horde.org require authentication.

Could somebody show me to the modification?


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