[horde] Realm in Horde 5

Michał Gasewicz genn at umk.pl
Tue Sep 8 14:31:20 UTC 2015

W dniu 31.08.2015 o 23:32, Jan Schneider pisze:
> Zitat von Michał Gasewicz <genn at umk.pl>:
>> Hello
>> I'm trying to configure multiple mailservers in Horde 5. Authusername
>> hook from http://wiki.horde.org/ImpH4Realm is not working in current
>> version of Imp. There's an error in server logs "Call to a member
>> function getParam() on a non-object". How is it possible to get Imp
>> backend setting in authusername hook in current version of Horde?
> $GLOBALS['registry']->mail->server()

I've updated hook and it works, but some of our mailservers serve
multiple maildomains, so server name is not enough to construct email
address. Is there some way to acquire name of the backend or maildomain
property used during authentication? Should I save somehow used
maildomain in preauthenticate hook?

Best regards
Michael Gasewicz

Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne
Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika
Coll. Maximum, Pl. Rapackiego 1
87-100 Torun, Poland
tel.: +48 56 611 27 36
email: Michal.Gasewicz at umk.pl
jabber: genn at komunikator.umk.pl

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