[horde] Question: Amount of work required to implement ActiveSync v16?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Sep 17 13:30:31 UTC 2015

Quoting Torben Dannhauer <torben at dannhauer.info>:

> Dear Michael (or others),
> can you roughly estimate the amount of work required to update horde EAS
> implementation to v16?
> Version 16 has been released in summer 2015.
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/exchangedev/archive/2015/06/08/announcing-exchange-a
> ctivesync-v16.aspx
> http://exchangeserverpro.com/exchange-activesync-v16/

It looks to be that the largest changes are related to calendaring and  
synchronizing the Drafts folder. For calendar synchronization there  
looks to be non-trivial changes surrounding how both recurrence series  
and meeting invitations are handled. It also adds attachments for  
calendar items, which would need to be implemented on the Kronolith  
side as well. Regarding Drafts, a good bit of work is needed to  
implement synchronization, as this is all done with new protocol  
stuff. There is also the issue of needing a client that actually  
supports the new features. I've read that iOS9 will support some of  
the new calendar features, but not the Drafts sync. Obviously only the  
features I'm able to test with a working client can be implemented,  
but I'm assuming that at least clients like Outlook for iOS and  
Android/Windows Mobile will provide updates shortly.

As far as hours go, I haven't done an in-depth estimate, but I would  
think around 30ish hours.  Please let me know if you would like me to  
provide an actual proposal for you.

The Horde Project
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