[horde] Update questions Horde Webmail

Jens Hellermann hellermann at we-do.com
Thu Oct 29 13:06:21 UTC 2015

Am 28.10.2015 um 15:57 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
> Quoting Jens Hellermann <hellermann at we-do.com>:
>> Am 28.10.2015 um 13:37 schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>>> Quoting Jens Hellermann <hellermann at we-do.com>:
>>>> Dear Horde List members,
>>>> I have a question concerning updates of Horde Webmail. As I didn't 
>>>> know better at first (just googled update horde howto), I updated 
>>>> Horde Webmail following an article in a german debianforum:
>>>> |pear upgrade -f -a -B -c horde
>>>> and afterwards it was recommended to execute some scripts again:
>>>> ||pear run-scripts horde/Horde_Role|
>>>> But now I read in a mail from Michael Rubinsk that I should have used:
>>>> pear upgrade -a -B horde/webmail
>>>> I guess that is also why I lost some php extensions after upgrading.
>>>> In my last update I did follow the method Michael suggested, but 
>>>> I'm still facing instability issues with the webinterface and 
>>>> connectivity issues to active sync (which dissapear, when I restart 
>>>> the whole server).
>>>> My questions now are, how bad is it, I used the wrong update 
>>>> method? Can these problems result from that and can the process be 
>>>> reversed somehow, even by  installating over the existing 
>>>> installation?
>>> What does:
>>> pear list -c horde
>>> show?
>> Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
>> ===========================================
>> Package                      Version State
>> Horde_ActiveSync             2.30.0  stable
>> Horde_Alarm                  2.2.5   stable
>> Horde_Argv                   2.0.11  stable
>> Horde_Auth                   2.1.10  stable
>> Horde_Autoloader             2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Browser                2.0.10  stable
>> Horde_Cache                  2.5.0   stable
>> Horde_Cli                    2.0.6   stable
>> Horde_Compress               2.1.3   stable
>> Horde_Compress_Fast          1.1.0   stable
>> Horde_Constraint             2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Controller             2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Core                   2.22.1  stable
>> Horde_Crypt                  2.6.1   stable
>> Horde_Crypt_Blowfish         1.1.0   stable
>> Horde_CssMinify              1.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Css_Parser             1.0.7   stable
>> Horde_Data                   2.1.3   stable
>> Horde_Date                   2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Date_Parser            2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Dav                    1.1.2   stable
>> Horde_Db                     2.2.3   stable
>> Horde_Editor                 2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_ElasticSearch          1.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Exception              2.0.6   stable
>> Horde_Feed                   2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Form                   2.0.11  stable
>> Horde_Group                  2.0.5   stable
>> Horde_HashTable              1.2.3   stable
>> Horde_History                2.3.5   stable
>> Horde_Http                   2.1.5   stable
>> Horde_Icalendar              2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Idna                   1.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Image                  2.3.3   stable
>> Horde_Imap_Client            2.29.3  stable
>> Horde_Imsp                   2.0.8   stable
>> Horde_Injector               2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Itip                   2.1.0   stable
>> Horde_JavascriptMinify       1.1.2   stable
>> Horde_JavascriptMinify_Jsmin 1.0.1   stable
>> Horde_Kolab_Format           2.0.7   stable
>> Horde_Kolab_Server           2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Kolab_Session          2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Kolab_Storage          2.1.4   stable
>> Horde_Ldap                   2.3.1   stable
>> Horde_ListHeaders            1.2.2   stable
>> Horde_Lock                   2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Log                    2.1.2   stable
>> Horde_LoginTasks             2.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Mail                   2.6.2   stable
>> Horde_Mail_Autoconfig        1.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Mapi                   1.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Memcache               2.0.7   stable
>> Horde_Mime                   2.9.2   stable
>> Horde_Mime_Viewer            2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Mongo                  1.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Nls                    2.1.0   stable
>> Horde_Notification           2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Oauth                  2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_OpenXchange            1.0.0   stable
>> Horde_Pack                   1.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Pdf                    2.0.6   stable
>> Horde_Perms                  2.1.5   stable
>> Horde_Prefs                  2.7.4   stable
>> Horde_Queue                  1.1.3   stable
>> Horde_Rdo                    2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Role                   1.0.1   stable
>> Horde_Routes                 2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Rpc                    2.1.5   stable
>> Horde_Scribe                 2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Secret                 2.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Serialize              2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Service_Facebook       2.0.8   stable
>> Horde_Service_Gravatar       1.0.0   stable
>> Horde_Service_Twitter        2.1.5   stable
>> Horde_Service_Weather        2.3.0   stable
>> Horde_SessionHandler         2.2.5   stable
>> Horde_Share                  2.0.7   stable
>> Horde_Smtp                   1.9.1   stable
>> Horde_Socket_Client          2.0.0   stable
>> Horde_SpellChecker           2.1.2   stable
>> Horde_Stream                 1.6.2   stable
>> Horde_Stream_Filter          2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Stream_Wrapper         2.1.2   stable
>> Horde_Stringprep             1.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Support                2.1.4   stable
>> Horde_SyncMl                 2.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Template               2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Test                   2.5.1   stable
>> Horde_Text_Diff              2.1.1   stable
>> Horde_Text_Filter            2.3.2   stable
>> Horde_Text_Filter_Jsmin      1.0.1   stable
>> Horde_Text_Flowed            2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Thrift                 2.0.2   stable
>> Horde_Timezone               1.0.9   stable
>> Horde_Token                  2.0.7   stable
>> Horde_Translation            2.2.0   stable
>> Horde_Tree                   2.0.4   stable
>> Horde_Url                    2.2.4   stable
>> Horde_Util                   2.5.6   stable
>> Horde_Vfs                    2.3.0   stable
>> Horde_View                   2.0.5   stable
>> Horde_Xml_Element            2.0.3   stable
>> Horde_Xml_Wbxml              2.0.2   stable
>> content                      2.0.5   stable
>> gollem                       3.0.6   stable
>> horde                        5.2.8   stable
>> horde_lz4                    1.0.8   stable
>> imp                          6.2.11  stable
>> ingo                         3.2.7   stable
>> kronolith                    4.2.11  stable
>> mnemo                        4.2.8   stable
>> nag                          4.2.6   stable
>> timeobjects                  2.1.0   stable
>> trean                        1.1.3   stable
>> turba                        4.2.10  stable
>> webmail                      5.2.11  stable
> This seems fine. Whatever is going on with your server doesn't seem to 
> be an issue with incorrect packages installed.
Thank you, that excludes one more possible wrong going from my side. I 
discovered today, that if I clone the container that contains the horde 
(humor intended) and let it run on a different IP, the webinterface 
stays totally stable. Only when several clients connect via activesync 
the connection to the imap server (including openchange) becomes instable.

I'll migrate the dovecot server to a single installation (without samba 
and openchange) and see if it stabelizes. Thanks a lot for your help 
>>>> I any case I need to preserve the settings and the active-sync 
>>>> status of the clients, as I have a testing group involved there.
>>>> Kind regards, Jens.
>>>> -- 
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