[horde] Public calendars

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Nov 3 14:28:20 UTC 2015

Quoting Ralph Ballier <ballier at mail.schule.de>:

> Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Ralph Ballier <ballier at mail.schule.de>:
>>> Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>>>> Quoting Ralph Ballier <ballier at mail.schule.de>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have integrated a public calendar in a website. Now I can see the
>>>>> days of
>>>>> the months, but when I click at a day,  I have to login. I think,
> this
>>> is
>>>>> not a public calender.
>>>> Does the kronolith application have public permissions?
>>>> (Admin->Permissions)
>>>>> You can see it, if you click at  http://ods3.schule.de/kalender.html
>>>>> I had use the URL from inside of my horde installation:
>>>>> <div id="kronolithCal"></div><script
> src="/horde2/services/ajax.php/kronolith/embed?token=D-S0z9DICMca7dr-RsYTIBT&calendar=internal_ZM0m7yNvN0Xh-bQu_bFQHXB&container=kronolithCal&view=Month[1][1]"
>>>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>>> Ralph
>>>>> --
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>>>> --
>>>> mike
>>>> The Horde Project
>>>> http://www.horde.org
> https://www.facebook.com/hordeprojecthttps://www.twitter.com/hordeproject
>>> If I give public permissions (Admin->Permissions), then changes the
>>> behave.
>>> Now I see only a blank screen. In the logfile of httpd I find normal
> page
>>> requests, no error messages.
>>> I understand not, in which relationship are the rights under Admin to
> the
>>> rights, which sets a user.
>> Looks like the generated code for the embed functionality was
>> incorrectly using a relative URL, so if you are embedding the calendar
>> on a site not in the same webroot as horde, this would not work. In the
>> javascript src url, make sure it contains a full url to the host running
>> horde. The code has been fixed in Git and will be in the next release:
> https://github.com/horde/horde/commit/7939ce836f78997fc7fddb93582fa195ae899218
> It don't work. My URL to the calendar is
> https://horde.osz-lise-meitner.eu/kalender.html
> and I get a blank screen.
> In access_log.ssl from Apache I see the following message:
> p5792de6b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de - - [03/Nov/2015:06:40:13 +0100] "GET
> /kalender.html HTTP/1.1" 304 -
>  p5792de6b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de - - [03/Nov/2015:06:40:13 +0100] "GET
> /services/ajax.php/kronolith/embed?token=9Q4DigofQFVthL1MnloP_gF&calendar=internal_ZM0m7yNvN0Xh-bQu_bFQHXB&container=kronolithCal&view=Month
> HTTP/1.1" 200 149
> Is this ok? No message in error_log or in error_log.ssl.

Two things:

1) In the <script> tag on your page, you still have the relative URL  
that I told you probably needs to be a full url. So, add  
https://horde.osz-lise-meitner.eu before the /service/..... part.

2) You need to allow guest access to "Horde" as well in the  
permissions interface.

The Horde Project
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