[horde] pear installation issues.

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Nov 11 16:53:43 UTC 2015

Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Dear List,
> Recently I upgraded to HGWE 5.2.11.  Upgrade was smooth and there  
> are no issues till now with HGWE 5.2.11.
> The problem is now with pear.
> Even after upgrade, pear list -c horde is still listing older  
> version.  I know, this has nothing to do with Horde. But, I will  
> have issues during next upgrade.  Even now, if I give the command,  
> pear list-upgrades it is listing many things to upgrade, even though  
> they are up-to-date.
> I know, pear .channles and .registry database is not  
> updated/corrupted.  But, don't know, how to make it up-to-date. and,  
> when next version is released, what will happen, if I give pear  
> upgrade? Is it safe to upgrade during next version (as and when  
> released)?
> My Horde installation is based on RHEL7.

Is it possible that you used two different PEAR installs for the list command?

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