[horde] horde_alarms-cronjob takes very long with horde-5.2.8

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Dec 9 13:13:09 UTC 2015

Quoting Piper Andreas <piper at hrz.uni-marburg.de>:

> Hello,
> after upgrading my production servers from horde-5.2.6/kronolith-4.2.8
> to horde-5.2.8/kronolith-4.2.11 the cron-script 'horde-alarms' now needs
> about 50 minutes for a successful run. Before the upgrade it needed less
> then 10 minutes.

Not sure. There were some recent small changes to the alarm code in  
Kronolith dealing with title visibility, but those are in Git (what  
will be Kronolith 4.2.12).

> May this be an issue with my database (postgresql)?

Anything related to slow queries in your sql log? Also, try tailing  
the Horde log to see what exactly is being executed. Perhaps this will  
give you some clues.

> Any help or advice is welcome,
> many thanks,
> Andreas

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