[horde] Newest Apache and PHP...

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Mon Jan 4 08:33:29 UTC 2016

Am Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015, 18:06:42 schrieb Michael C. Robinson:
> I'm researching the use of PHP 7 and Apache 2.4.18 with Horde 5.  I'm
> also testing CentOS 7 and trying to find the best way to install perl
> -5.22.1, Apache 2.4.18, and PHP-7.  So far, installing from source code
> to /opt seems to be the best bet.  I may need to install vim from
> source to /opt.  I can wipe the programs out if needed before an
> upgrade and I can maintain a functional yum.

installing vim to /opt should in no way affect horde.

Ralf Lang
Linux Consultant / Developer
Tel.: +49-170-6381563
Mail: lang at b1-systems.de
B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537
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