[horde] howto write horde applications

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Jan 8 15:07:42 UTC 2016

Quoting A. Schulze <sca at andreasschulze.de>:

> Hello,
> what would developers suggest to read if I want to start writing my  
> own horde application?
> I already found
>  - http://www.horde.org/papers/fosdem2005/
>  - http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=Search&searchfield=skeleton

There is also the api documentation at dev.horde.org, and various  
other wiki articles concerning Horde's global and "special" objects  
etc.. see wiki.horde.org/doc/dev as a starting point.

> I'm specially interested in interaction with a configured ldap backend.

The best way to learn how our various libraries work is to browse the  
API documentation and then look at working code that uses it. For  
LDAP, for example, look at the LDAP driver in Turba and the factory  
that generates the LDAP object in Horde_Core_Factory_Ldap.

...and after you do all of this, feel free to write up a HOWTO to help  
improve our documentation :)


The Horde Project
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