[horde] Problems changing passwords

Ralph Ballier ballier at mail.schule.de
Tue Jan 19 23:49:28 UTC 2016


we use LDAP for authentication. BaseDN is
ou=davinci,ou=people,dc=school,dc=de, search is sub.

DN of user alice is:  uid=alice,ou=davinci,ou=people,dc=school,dc=de

DN of user bob is:  uid=bob,ou=others,ou=davinci,ou=people,dc=school,dc=de

Authentication of alice and bob are no problem.

Now alice and bob try to change here password.

alice: no problem

bob: It don't work (invalid credentials)

You see in the logfile, that slapd try to bind with
  uid=bob,ou=davinci,ou=people,dc=school,dc=de , but this DN don't


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