[horde] customize menu.

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Feb 8 12:58:18 UTC 2016

Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> Dear List,
> Following as explained in wiki is implemented in our setup. Using  
> HGWE 5.2.11.
> // Custom Menus
>   'intranet' => array(
>       'name' => _("Intranet Links"),
>       'status' => 'heading',
>   ),
>   'xyz' => array(
>       'url' => 'http://applications.horde.org/',
>       'name' => _("Application 1"),
>       'status' => 'link',
>       'target' => '_blank',
>       'menu_parent' => 'intranet',
>       'fileroot' => '/tmp',
>       'icon' => ''
>   ),
> I have one issue and one requirement.
> 1. Issue.
> Sometimes, even with target => '_blank', the url opens in the same  
> tab, instead of opening in a new tab.

This seems to work fine for me locally.

> 2. Requirement.
> I want to have a sub-menu for 'xyz' instead of adding one more under  
> intranet.  Is it possible (like AddressBook->New Contact->In My  
> AddressBook)? If yes, can somebody update the same in Wiki or share  
> with me?  This is required, since, I have about 25 links in Intranet  
> and the bottom three (3 or 4) are out of screen and there is no  
> scrolling option.

Simply set the 'menu_parent' attribute to the key of the parent.

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