[horde] [ANSEL] Separte storage folders

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Sat Feb 20 10:57:44 UTC 2016

Michael Cramer:

> is it possible to configure separate folders in ansel where the  
> original photos are stored and where the generated photos are stored?

> At the moment they are all in the same directory structure which  
> makes a backup really hard, mainly because the generated ones  
> shouldn't be included but with the dynamic folder names it is really  
> hard

so the idea is to backup only original photos.
After recovery all other pictures could be recovered from that  
original - right?
Is there a convenient command to do that?

in that case I would apply a backup filter to only store


and ~horde/ansel/config/conf.php set  
$conf['images']['params']['vfsroot'] = '/PATH/TO/VFS/';

But I'm unsure if it's worth: 'du -sm /PATH/TO/VFS/.horde/ansel/' is 100%
Here we have 85% in /PATH/TO/VFS/.horde/ansel/*/full/*
I would save only 15% backup space.


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