[horde] activesync mail unread

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Mar 2 13:29:55 UTC 2016

Quoting Massimo Balestrieri <balestrieri at mag-data.com>:

> Hi,
> I've an iphone and ipad connect with activesync.
> On ipad and iphone I've 2 messages unread but don't show them and in  
> webmail there nothing to read.
> I've tried to delete all mail from webmail, on iphone now I've mail  
> empty but it says there are two mails unread

Do you mean that the iPhone/iPad is still showing the mail as unread?  
If so, it could be that it is including messages from folders other  
than the inbox.  ActiveSync doesn't control what the client shows as  
unread, so this is client controlled.

The Horde Project
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