[horde] [ActiveSync][Kronolith][CentOS 7] wrong event start and end

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Mar 13 21:19:29 UTC 2016

Quoting 0x90 <0x90 at wmailer.net>:

> Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting 0x90 <0x90 at wmailer.net>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I did set up a new installation of Horde on CentOS 7.2 and have  
>>> troubles with activesync/calendar.
>>> Using Outlook 2013 as a activesync client causes wrong entries in  
>>> kronolith_events (event_start and event_end) when adding a new all  
>>> day event.
>>> This is problematic, because outlook clients will crash if they  
>>> see an event that they did not create (e.g. shared calendar or new  
>>> instance of activesync client).
>>> I have a installation with pretty much same configuration on a  
>>> CentOS 6.7, which is working correct.
>>> Here some infos:
>>> # versions:
>>> horde 5.2.9
>>> kronolith 4.2.15
>>> activesync 2.31.6
>>> # config/prefs.d/10-myprefs.php
>>> $_prefs['timezone'] = array(
>>>   'value' => 'Europe/Berlin'
>>>   [...]
>>> # kronolith/config/conf.php
>>> $conf['calendar']['params']['utc'] = true;
>>> $conf['resource']['params']['utc'] = true;
>>> # /etc/php.ini
>>> date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
>>> # output from horde php shell
>>> every context gives correct time and timezone when executing "echo  
>>> date("H:i:s").date_default_timezone_get();"
>>> # activesync log (adding a new event in Outlook 2013 for  
>>> 2016-03-14, whole day)
>>> [...]
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I        <POOMCAL:StartTime>
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I          20160313T230000Z
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I        </POOMCAL:StartTime>
>>> [...]
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I        <POOMCAL:EndTime>
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I          20160314T230000Z
>>> DEBUG: [1872] I        </POOMCAL:EndTime>
>>> [...]
>>> # mysql dump of kronolith_events on both systems after event added  
>>> over activesync by outlook
>>> # System1: CentOS 6.7, Apache 2.2.15, PHP 5.3.3 (correct):
>>> event_start=2016-03-14 00:00:00
>>> event_end=2016-03-15 00:00:00
>>> event_allday=1
>>> # System2: CentOS 7.2, Apache 2.4.6, PHP 5.4.16, SELinux: no (incorrect):
>>> event_start=2016-03-13 23:00:00
>>> event_end=2016-03-14 23:00:00
>>> event_allday=1
>> Where are you seeing these values? What do they look like in the database?
> The values for event_start and event_end are already the values from  
> mysql database.
>> Also, check the user preferences of the logged in user to make sure  
>> it wasn't set to something else.
> [horde-url]/services/prefs.php?app=horde&group=language
> shows correct timezone "Europe/Berlin" for that user.
>> I can verify this works correctly for me locally on both 5.5 and 5.4.
> I did install horde over pear. How did you install it?

I just tested using VMs based on PEAR installs.

>>> # additional info from php changelog
>>> # ( https://secure.php.net/manual/en/migration54.incompatible.php )
>>> "In the date and time extension, the timezone can no longer be set  
>>> using the TZ environment variable. Instead you have to specify a  
>>> timezone using the date.timezone php.ini option or  
>>> date_default_timezone_set() function. PHP will no longer attempt  
>>> to guess the timezone, and will instead fall back to "UTC" and  
>>> issue a E_WARNING."
>>> I hope you can give me a hint what to do.
>> -- 
>> mike
>> The Horde Project
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