[horde] imp: the generated Received header

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Fri Apr 1 20:06:23 UTC 2016


messages created with IMP always contain a Received line like this:

   Received: from webclient.example.org (webclient.example.org  
[2001:db8::1]) by
    horde.example.org (Horde Framework) with HTTP; Fri, 01 Apr 2016 21:42:42

It mention HTTP even if HTTPS was used.
Attached a patch to be more precise.

there are two locations that generate Received header:
$pear_php_dir/Horde/Mime/Headers/Deprecated.php (which I had to modify) and

The code look very similar. Any reason for duplicate code?

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