[horde] Allowed memory exhausted in Horde/Imap/Client/Ids.php:178

Bjoern Voigt bjoernv at arcor.de
Thu Apr 28 13:30:29 UTC 2016

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Bjoern Voigt <bjoernv at arcor.de>:
>> I can't login in my Horde 5.2 (current) account anymore.
>> The error message is:
>>     Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate
>>     7783056 bytes)
>>     1. Horde_ErrorHandler::catchFatalError()
>>     Details
>>     [...]
>>     ErrorException Object
>>     (
>>         [message:protected] => Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes
>> exhausted (tried to allocate 7783056 bytes)
>>         [string:Exception:private] =>
>>         [code:protected] => 0
>>         [file:protected] => /usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Ids.php
>>         [line:protected] => 179
>>         [trace:Exception:private] => Array
>>             (
>>                 [0] => Array
>>                     (
>>                         [function] => catchFatalError
>>                         [class] => Horde_ErrorHandler
>>                         [type] => ::
>>                         [args] => Array
>>                             (
>>                             )
>>                     )
>>             )
>>         [previous:Exception:private] =>
>>         [severity:protected] => 1
>>         [logged] => 1
>>     )
>> I debugged this. The crash occurs here:
>>                 if (!$this->duplicates) {
>>                     Horde::log(sprintf('IMAP IDs %d ids=%s.',
>> count($this->_ids), implode(",", $this->_ids)), 'ERR');
>>                     $this->_ids = (count($this->_ids) > 25000)
>>                         ? array_unique($this->_ids)
>>                         : array_keys(array_flip($this->_ids));
>>                 }
>> Increasing Apache/PHP memory does not solve the problem. Currently I
>> have increased PHP memory from 128 to 512 MB.
>> During crash the variable $ids has the value
>> "1:486128,486130,486132:486327,486330:486331,486334:486335,486347,486352:486353,486355,486361:486366,486432:486514,486518:486522,486526:486528,486560:486569".
>> $this->_ids is a very long array starting with 1,2,3 and ending with
>> 45005,45006,45007.
>> Both variables are NOT from the same login.
>> I think the "1" in $ids causes the problem, because all IDs between 1
>> and 486128 (1,2,3...486128) make the array so big.
>> Currently I can login again. But I am unsure, if this problem comes
>> again.
>> Greetings,
>> Björn
> Any chance that you had this happening while a login task to empty the
> trash (or spam) folder was running?
This is likely. I have not used Horde Webmail some weeks.

At first I thought it's a server problem (low memory).

Second I thought, that one of my mail folders is too big. To determine
this I clicked on every IMAP folder in my Seamonkey mail client to see
the mail count. Trash folder has the following setting in my Seamonkey
mail client:

"Delete messages more than 14 days old"

Seamonkey probably has deleted a lot of old trash mails. After this
Seamonkey actions I could login to Horde again.


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