[horde] Unable to attach files in Whups

Daniel Bareiro daniel-listas at gmx.net
Sun May 1 19:41:41 UTC 2016

On 01/05/16 15:08, Erling Preben Hansen wrote:

>>>> Do you think that some of the mentioned errors on the syslog may
>>>> have to do with this problem? In the case that is helpful, I will 
>>>> mention that I'm using Horde 5.2.5.
>>>> Please let me know any other information that may contribute.

>>> No.

>> I guess that "No" is concerned for the relationship the errors in syslog
>> with this problem, right? I will continue investigating the cause but if
>> you think that any other information could be useful to find it, please
>> let me to know.
>> Thanks for your time.

> Hey
> I had something like this some time ago.
> I didn't use a lot of time in tracking it down. but..
> When i put the VFS Directory inside the apache directory,
> and made sure apache had write permissions to the VFS directory tree.
> Everything worked like a charm.

Thanks for the suggestion, Erling.

I tried creating this directory:

# ll -d /var/www/horde/files/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 may  1 16:14 /var/www/horde/files/

Then changing the Virtual File Storage on Administration ->
Configuration -> Horde (Horde) -> Virtual File Storage tab. There I
temporarily changed the variable $conf[vfs][type] from "SQL Database" to
"Files in the local system", using /var/www/horde/files/ for

Then I closed session, I logged in again and tried to attach a file to a
ticket. But unfortunately the behavior was the same. Whups said that the
ticket was updated but the file is not attached. Even this happens to me
when trying to add attachments to different tickets.

That same thing happened in January of the last year, although at that
time I could resolve it increasing the values of the PHP variables
post_max_size and upload_max_filesize (to 20M -- default on Debian are
8M and 2M, respectively).

Thanks for your time.

Kind regards,

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