[horde] My own modules block activesync

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed May 4 13:32:58 UTC 2016

Quoting Soporte SCHOLEM <soporte at scholem.edu.ar>:

> Hello, Team.
> We would want to integrate Horde with other app, so we developed our  
> first module following the howto  
> https://wiki.horde.org/CreatingYourFirstModule.
> It is easy for now: it just jumps to an app in a popup.
> When we copy the generated files into /config/registry.d, the new  
> option on menu appears and the link works fine, but activesync stops  
> to sync all the devices with this error in debug log:
> ERR: [1063] Attempting to add a collection
>                      to the sync cache while requiring a synckey, but no
>                      synckey could be found. Most likely a client error in
>                      requesting a collection during PING before it  
> has issued a
>                      SYNC.

I'm having a hard time figuring out why any code outside of a  
sync-able application would cause this. However, I can't say  
*anything* about it without seeing what your code is/does.

> If we delete the files in registry.d, activesync works again.
> Has anybody the same problem? May we make something wrong?
> Thank you in advance

Does your code implement any APIs that would normally be synced via a  
traditional Horde app?

The Horde Project
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