[horde] PHP7 and current Horde...

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat May 14 21:13:17 UTC 2016

Quoting Michael C. Robinson <plug_1 at robinson-west.com>:

> https://github.com/owncloud/mail/issues/1050
> This information out on the web seems to be misleading.  Supposedly,
> Horde should work with PHP7.  

Current packages should work, but as Jan mentioned already, support  
isn't official yet since the entire stack still needs more testing  
(there are some framework packages that are listed as supported). Not  
official also means that the PEAR and/or Composer files will still  
list PHP versions < 6/7 as being required so some overriding of these  
would be necessary if you wanted to test/install.

> As far as I can tell, it doesn't though.

What have you found that doesn't work? You should create a bug report  
against any issues so we are aware of them.

> Any chance of correcting this misinformation? \

What misinformation? That link isn't even from Horde, so not sure what  
we should be correcting.

>  Any chance PHP 7 will
> be supported soon?

We don't have any concrete date as of yet. However, as long as there  
are no backwards-compatibility-breaking changes needed in our code, it  
may not have to wait until Horde 6, making it sooner rather than later.

The Horde Project
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