[horde] No horde_imap_client_message table!

Federico Giannici giannici at neomedia.it
Sat May 28 17:50:05 UTC 2016

Sorry, I used horde-db-migrate-component instead of  horde-db-migrate.

Here is the output of the down/up sequence:

celeborn:/home/giannici# horde-db-migrate Horde_Imap_Client down
[  INFO  ] Migrating DB down.
[  INFO  ] Current Horde_Imap_Client schema version: 0
[  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Imap_Client schema version: 0
celeborn:/home/giannici# horde-db-migrate Horde_Imap_Client up
[  INFO  ] Migrating DB up.
[  INFO  ] Current Horde_Imap_Client schema version: 0
Migrating to HordeImapClientBaseTables (1)
== 1 HordeImapClientBaseTables: migrating 
-- tables()
    -> 0.0012s
== 1 HordeImapClientBaseTables: migrated (0.0013s) 

Migrating to HordeImapClientChangeColumnName (2)
== 2 HordeImapClientChangeColumnName: migrating 
-- columns('horde_imap_client_data')
    -> 0.0063s
-- columns('horde_imap_client_message')
QUERY FAILED: Table 'horde3.horde_imap_client_message' doesn't exist

SHOW FIELDS FROM `horde_imap_client_message`

We are again with no "horde_imap_client_message" table.

I even tried to manually delete all "horde_imap_client_*" tables (even 
the "horde_imap_client_schema_info" one), and then execute the 
"horde-db-migrate", but nothing changed.

What else I can do?


On 05/28/16 19:32, Federico Giannici wrote:
> OK, I adjusted the case.
> Now the question is: what is the "--adapter"???
> Thanks.
> celeborn:/home/giannici# horde-db-migrate-component  horde_imap_client down
> The --adapter parameter is required. Other parameters may be required
> depending on the adapter.
> On 05/28/16 19:26, Federico Giannici wrote:
>> On 05/28/16 18:21, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>> Quoting Federico Giannici <giannici at neomedia.it>:
>>>> I just installed the latest version of Horde/IMP and I cannot get rid
>>>> of two problems with the DBs.
>>>> One seems related to the limit to 1000 bytes (about 333 UTF-8 chars)
>>>> of MySQL indexes (I'm using MariaDB 10.0.23).
>>>> But what I cannot really understand is the second one: there is no
>>>> "horde_imap_client_message" table!
>>>> I executed lots of times the "horde-db-migrate" script, even deleted
>>>> all tables and created them again, but always with this result:
>>>> [  INFO  ] Migrating DB up.
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current imp schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending imp schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current ingo schema version: 7
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending ingo schema version: 7
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current turba schema version: 11
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending turba schema version: 11
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current content schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending content schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_ActiveSync schema version: 22
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_ActiveSync schema version: 22
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Alarm schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Alarm schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Auth schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Auth schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Cache schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Cache schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Core schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Core schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Dav schema version: 1
>>>> Migrating to HordeDavRemoveUniqueIndex (2)
>>>> == 2 HordeDavRemoveUniqueIndex: migrating
>>>> =====================================
>>>> -- removeIndex('horde_dav_objects', 'id_external')
>>>>    -> 0.0202s
>>>> -- addIndex('horde_dav_objects', 'id_external')
>>>>    -> 0.0028s
>>>> -- addIndex('horde_dav_objects', array(0 => 'id_external', 1 =>
>>>> 'id_collection'), array('unique' => true))
>>>> QUERY FAILED: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
>>>> `index_horde_dav_objects_on_id_external_and_id_collection` ON
>>>> `horde_dav_objects` (`id_external`, `id_collection`)
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Group schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Group schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_History schema version: 6
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_History schema version: 6
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Imap_Client schema version: 1
>>> ^^^ This shows your current schema version is 1, so you either didn't
>>> use migrations to remove the tables or when you manually removed the
>>> tables yourself your didn't remove the schema version tables.
>> I remember I removed entire DB, anyway...
>>> Migrate the imap client table down, then back up:
>>> horde-db-migrate horde_imap_client down
>>> horde-db-migrate horde_imap_client up
>> Didn't worked:
>> celeborn:/home/giannici# horde-db-migrate horde_imap_client down
>> ====================
>> Fatal Error:
>> horde_imap_client is neither a configured Horde application nor a
>> migration directory
>> Supported applications:
>> imp
>> ingo
>> turba
>> content
>> Horde_ActiveSync
>> Horde_Alarm
>> Horde_Auth
>> Horde_Cache
>> Horde_Core
>> Horde_Dav
>> Horde_Group
>> Horde_History
>> Horde_Imap_Client
>> Horde_Lock
>> Horde_Perms
>> Horde_Prefs
>> Horde_Queue
>> Horde_SessionHandler
>> Horde_Token
>> Horde_Vfs
>> Supported directories:
>> /var/wwwdocs/horde/imp/migration
>> /var/wwwdocs/horde/ingo/migration
>> /var/wwwdocs/horde/turba/migration
>> /var/wwwdocs/horde/content/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_ActiveSync/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Alarm/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Auth/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Cache/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Core/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Dav/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Group/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_History/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Imap_Client/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Lock/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Perms/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Prefs/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Queue/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_SessionHandler/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Token/migration
>> /usr/local/lib/php/data/Horde_Vfs/migration
>> 1. Horde_Cli->fatal() /usr/local/bin/horde-db-migrate:98
>> ====================
>> Thanks.
>>>> Migrating to HordeImapClientChangeColumnName (2)
>>>> == 2 HordeImapClientChangeColumnName: migrating
>>>> ===============================
>>>> -- columns('horde_imap_client_data')
>>>>    -> 0.0250s
>>>> -- columns('horde_imap_client_message')
>>>> QUERY FAILED: Table 'horde3.horde_imap_client_message' doesn't exist
>>>> SHOW FIELDS FROM `horde_imap_client_message`
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Lock schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Lock schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Perms schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Perms schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Prefs schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Prefs schema version: 3
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Queue schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Queue schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_SessionHandler schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_SessionHandler schema version: 2
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Token schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Token schema version: 1
>>>> [  INFO  ] Current Horde_Vfs schema version: 4
>>>> [  INFO  ] Ending Horde_Vfs schema version: 4
>>>> What am I missing?
>>>> If anything, can anybody send my the "horde_imap_client_message" table
>>>> structure?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> --
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>>>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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    |-                      giannici at neomedia.it
    |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

        Presidente del CDA - Neomedia S.r.l.

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