[horde] connecting horde to openldap

Spyros Tsiolis stsiol at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 19 16:43:08 UTC 2016

On Tue, 19/7/16, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [horde] connecting horde to openldap
 To: horde at lists.horde.org
 Date: Tuesday, 19 July, 2016, 19:05
 Spyros Tsiolis <stsiol at yahoo.co.uk>:
 > Hello all again,
 > OK, I think I managed
 to isolate the issue.
 > It seems that this is the piece of code
 that created it :
 "turba/config/backends.php" :
 'bind_dn' =>
 > I tried to re-create
 the problem with phpldapadmin and it seems I did it.
 > If I try to access
 "contacts" ou under "phpldapadmin" the
 login screen should
 > be like so :
 > And I can logon to
 the phpldapadmin page.
 > Now if I try to do this :
 > phpldapadmin comes
 back with exactly the same error message :
 > Unable to connect to
 LDAP server Hordeserver LDAP Server
 Error: Invalid credentials (49) for user
 So , I thought, I might try to take away the "ou"
 string from within
 "backends.php", so I did :
 > "turba/config/backends.php" :
 'bind_dn' =>
 > TO This :
 >     'bind_dn' =>
 And here is the error message from within turba :
 > Fatal error: Class
 'Horde_Ldap_Filter' not found in  
 > /var/www/html/turba/lib/Driver/Ldap.php on
 line 170
 > A fatal error has occurred
 > Class
 'Horde_Ldap_Filter' not found
 Do you have the Horde/Horde_Ldap package
 installed, and in the include  
 path? If
 so, try clearing the autoloader cache.

Hi Michael,

I apologize for my arrogance but I have no idea what "horde/horde_ldap" is.
Nor do I know where the include path is.
And , yes, you got it; I don't know how to clear the autoloader cache.

I am embarrassed now :-)


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