[horde] some trouble adding contacts on turba via openldap

Spyros Tsiolis stsiol at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 21 06:35:23 UTC 2016

Hello again,

If I try to add a new contact on turba via openldap, it comes back with 
and error message :

"There was an error adding the new contact
Contact your system administrator for 
further help"

Now the system admin is me , so . . .  :-)
Anywhoo, here's the "turba/config/backends.php" contents :

$cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
    // Disabled by default
    'disabled' => false,
    'title' => _("Shared Directory"),
    'type' => 'ldap',
    'params' => array(
        'server' => 'hordeserver.home.local',
        'port' => 389,
        'tls' => false,
        'root' => 'ou=contacts,dc=hordeserver,dc=home,dc=local',
        'bind_dn' => 'cn=admin,dc=hordeserver,dc=home,dc=local',
        // For Active Directory:
        // 'bind_dn' => 'username at example.com',
        'bind_password' => '<PASS_HERE>',
        'sizelimit' => 200,
        // For Active Directory:

Now here everything is fine since I checked and re-checked.
Normally as I understand it, the system should grab the username ("admin")
and the password ("<PASS_HERE>") and do its stuff.
It works from the shell ("ldapsearch -x -b blah blah blah") and it works via

Am I missing something ?


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