[horde] Horde installation with PHP7

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Sep 11 15:05:39 UTC 2016

Quoting Melkor Lord <melkor.lord at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> Using Ubuntu server 16.04, I currently can't install Horde the way I intend
> because of dependency issues.
> Shell# pear install -B horde/ingo
> [...snipped...]
> horde/ingo requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1, excluded
> versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> horde/horde requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1,
> excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> horde/Horde_Browser requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1,
> excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> horde/Horde_Tree requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1,
> excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> horde/Horde_Cli requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1,
> excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> horde/Horde_CssMinify requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <=
> 6.0.0alpha1, excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is
> 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> horde/Horde_JavascriptMinify requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <=
> 6.0.0alpha1, excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is
> 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> horde/Horde_Dav requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 6.0.0alpha1,
> excluded versions: 6.0.0alpha1), installed version is 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
> [...]
> No valid packages found
> install failed
> Could it be possible to update the depencies tree? IMHO there's little
> chance that Horde is really incompatible with PHP7, at most I think about
> deprecated functions/methods. At least, I'd like to try.

The stable application packages haven't been officially marked as PHP  
7 compatible yet, though most of the framework libraries have. This  
won't happen until at least Horde 5.3. In the meantime, you can use  
the --force flag to pear to allow installation on PHP 7 systems.

> For info, the official Ubuntu packages have fixed the dependencies so this
> should not be a big issue. The packages are a bit outdated, hence the
> manual install.
> http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/php-horde-ingo/php-horde-ingo_3.2.8-1ubuntu1/changelog
> Thanks
> --
> Unix _IS_ user friendly, it's just selective about who its friends are.
> --
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