[horde] Dynamicaly register Gollem filemanager based on user information

Christian Schoepplein c.schoepplein at musin.de
Mon Feb 27 17:35:29 UTC 2017


I have two different types of users who are using a new horde 
installation, central and decentral users. Only the decentral users 
shall be able to use the Gollem filemanager. 

For the central users it would be great to deregister the Gollem 
filemanager completely, so even the link to Gollem isn't displayed in 
the webinterface or no Gollem specific settings are shown.

Is this possible somehow and if yes, how todo it?

Ciao and thanks very much for any hint,


Christian Schoepplein

Landeshauptstadt Muenchen
Referat fuer Bildung und Sport
Zentrum fuer Informationstechnologie im Bildungsbereich (ZIB)
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