[horde] Dynamicaly register Gollem filemanager based on user information

Christian Schoepplein c.schoepplein at musin.de
Tue Feb 28 08:59:59 UTC 2017

Hi Michael,

On Mo, Feb 27, 2017 at 05:55:15 +0000, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>Quoting Christian Schoepplein <c.schoepplein at musin.de>:
>>I have two different types of users who are using a new horde
>>installation, central and decentral users. Only the decentral users
>>shall be able to use the Gollem filemanager.
>>For the central users it would be great to deregister the Gollem
>>filemanager completely, so even the link to Gollem isn't displayed in
>>the webinterface or no Gollem specific settings are shown.
>>Is this possible somehow and if yes, how todo it?
>This should be possible via the permissions system. Create two groups and
>give one group permission to Gollem.

Sorry, forgot to mension that the user information is stored in an 
external mysql database. Can I work with groups and different 
permissions also if an external user backend is in use?



Christian Schoepplein

Landeshauptstadt Muenchen
Referat fuer Bildung und Sport
Zentrum fuer Informationstechnologie im Bildungsbereich (ZIB)
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