[horde] Trailer Text per instance

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Mar 13 17:02:35 UTC 2017

Quoting David Cunningham <dcunningham at additionnetworks.net>:

>> On Mar 13, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
>> Quoting David Cunningham <dcunningham at additionnetworks.net>:
>>>> On Mar 13, 2017, at 12:23 PM, Michael J Rubinsky  
>>>> <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
>>>> Quoting David Cunningham <dcunningham at additionnetworks.net>:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I am having a hard time figuring out the syntax of a hooks-url.php
>>>> The correct syntax is hooks-servername.php. However, I don't  
>>>> remember off-hand if hooks are handled this way since the file is  
>>>> a class definition. You may have to just use  
>>>> $conf['server']['name] or something from the $_SERVER super  
>>>> global and add some logic to the trailer hook.
>>> Yes, the class thing is exactly the problem I am having.  I am  
>>> getting an error that I cannot define that class again.
>> Yeah, thought that was the case. You can't load hooks this way.  
>> You'll have to use logic in the hook itself to sniff out the  
>> domain/host/whatever you are switching on.
> Any advice on syntax?  This is far beyond my skills.

I'm not in front of my laptop, or the code, but assuming that  
$GLOBALS['conf']['server']['name'] contains the servername you want to  
switch on, something like:

if ($GLOBALS['conf']['server']['name'] == 'mail.example.com') {
    return 'Example trailer text';
if ($GLOBALS['conf']['server']['name'] == 'mail.some-other-example.com') {
    return 'Some other example trailer text';

If the servername isn't the value you need, you'll have to figure out  
where to get the value you want. The hooks contains some examples for  
getting it from the HTTP_HOST env. variable, as an example.

>>>>> entry to set the trailer text based on the url being used.  For  
>>>>> example, I need one url to have no trailer added, one url to  
>>>>> have one text added and another to have a different text added.
>>>>> Thanks for your help!
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