[horde] Whups ticket creation fall back to Step 1

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Mar 21 15:18:56 UTC 2017

Quoting Yves Bilgeri <yves.bilgeri at bbw.ch>:

> Hi,
> I upgraded an about 4 year old Horde 5.0 / Whups 3.0rc installation  
> to the latest Horde 5.2.14 / Whups 3.0.9 without any visible  
> problems, except crating new tickets.
> When I create a new ticket I choose the Queue in "Step 1", then in  
> "Step 2" I can choose the "Ticket Type" and then it goes immediately  
> back to "Step 1"!
> Any ideas what's wrong or how I can debug that?

First step would be to check the horde and/or server error logs for  
any errors. It might also be helpful to use your browsers  
debugging/developer tools see exactly what data is being posted when  
you submit the form.

> Yves
> -- 
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