[horde] Another potential bug?

Jens Wahnes wahnes at uni-koeln.de
Thu Mar 23 16:50:15 UTC 2017

David Cunningham wrote:

> One other potential bug that came up is the inability to remove an entry from the “favorite recipient” address book.  A user sent a typoed email to a non-existent user.  Now it continues to come up as a suggested email address because we cannot remove it from the favorite recipient address book.  I removed it manually from the MYSQL database, but is there a reason why you cannot delete an entry from the favorite recipient address book?

The "favorite recipients" address book is currently using the same data 
as the feature that can be used by an administrator to limit the amount 
of emails that users may sent during a given period of time (by default, 
this is stored in a database table called "imp_sentmail"). Therefore, 
one would not want users to be able to actually delete from that table, 
because it would render the "limit amount of mails" feature useless.

This is not to say that the data structures could not be extended to 
allow certain email addresses used previously to be "hidden" by a user 
so they will not show up in his or her "favorite recipients" address 
book anymore, while still contributing to the respective total email 
count. However, that would really be an extension of the current feature 
set of Imp that someone would have to implement.

With the current state of things, what you can do is setting a time 
limit how long the entries in the "imp_sentmail" table will be kept. If 
you set this to be a week or two, the "typo" addresses will eventually 
expire from the "favorite recipients" address books, e.g. after a week 
or so (given that there are no more emails with the wrong address being 
sent). Of course, this might also limit the usefulness of the "favorite 
recipients" address books per se, as users could only be certain for it 
to contain a certain email address if they use this address every week, 
so you'll have to decide what kind of timeframe yields acceptable 
results. To change these settings, go to the "Compose Log" tab of the 
Imp configuration and take a look at $conf[sentmail][params][threshold] etc.


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