[horde] User not authorized for Mail

James Mohr horde at jimmo.com
Mon Jul 10 08:59:32 UTC 2017

Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
> What authentication backend are you using for Horde? Are you really   
> using HTTP authentication?

On the page Authentication Settings in the Horde cconfiguration under
"$conf[auth][driver]" I have "HTTP (Basic Authentication/.htpasswd)
authentication".  Is there something else I need to change?

>> In the system logs (journalctl) I see:
>> [imp] [login] Server does not support TLS connections.
>> That seems clear enough so after googling I changed   
>> backends.local.php so it now looks like this:
>> // IMAP server
>> $servers['imap'] = array(
>>    'disabled' => false,
>>    'name' => 'localhost',
>>    'hostspec' => 'myhost.mydomain.'tld,
>>    'hordeauth' => false,
>>    'protocol' => 'imap',
>>    'secure' => 'false',
>> );
> Are you requiring your users to login separately to Email?

Not intentionally. I have looked through the Horde and Imp
confifuration and I do not find any place to require users to login
separately to email.

Does it make a different if true/false are included in single-quotes?

>>    'disabled' => false,
>>    'secure' => 'false',

>> No change. My biggest question at this point is to what exactly is   
>> Horde connecting. IMAP? POP3? My assumption is IMAP because of the   
>> complete log entry:
> Yes, according to the above configuration stanza, you are connecting  
>  to an IMAP server running on 'myhost.mydomain.tld'. I'm assuming  
> the  misplaced quotation mark in your stanza is a typo, as that  
> would  cause a parse error in PHP when loaded.

Yes. That was I typo when I changed the real domain in the email.

>> Jun 24 16:32:37 sonne-new HORDE[3058]: [imp] [login] Server does   
>> not support TLS connections. [pid 3058 on line 730 of   
>> "/data/home/user/public_html/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]
> You either need to configure your IMAP server to use TLS or disable   
> it in your configuration.

I though that I disabled it in backends.local.php with this line:
    'secure' => 'false',

> The password for the http authentication, the local user, are all
>> the same. sasldblistusers2 shows the user. My question here is what  
>>  format the users should have:
>> username at localhost
>> username at hostname
>> username at hostname.domain.tld
>> username at domain.tld
> I am confused as to exactly what authentication backend you are   
> using in Horde. As far as the general question about thr format of   
> the users, that depends entirely on what the authentication backend   
> is expecting. There is no one right answer.

What would be correct for HTTP authentication?

>> The mailbopx was created using cyradm and the permissions look like this:
>> localhost.localdomain> listacl user.myuser
>> user.myuser lrswipkxtecda
>> I have successully tested the username using telnet to connect to   
>> ports 110(POP3) and 143 (IMAP), as well as with testsaslauthd.
> Port 143 is the TLS port for IMAP, so it seems that your server   
> *does* support this?

Hmmmm.....Why then am I getting the error message "Server does not
support TLS connections"?

> -- 
> mike
> The Horde Project
> http://www.horde.org
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