[horde] Bug with Weather.php

poubeline at free.fr poubeline at free.fr
Fri Sep 1 13:28:58 UTC 2017

Hi Volker, 

I did : pear uninstall horde/horde_service_weather-2.5.4 
The package is removed (I tried a second time and it tells me that the package is not installed), but i still get the same issue when I try to access the horde administration. 

Did I do something wrong ? 
How do you remove the package, is it the same way I did ? 

Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated. 

----- Mail original -----

De: "Volker Then" <horde40 at volkerthen.com> 
À: horde at lists.horde.org 
Envoyé: Vendredi 1 Septembre 2017 08:36:06 
Objet: Re: [horde] Bug with Weather.php 

Quoting poubeline at free.fr: 

> Hi All, 
> I am running a debian server that I just upgraded from jessie 8.9 to 
> stretch 9.1 on which I have upgraded before the OS upgrade to the 
> latest horde webmail stable version 5.2.21. 
> I am using the mariaDB SQL database provided with the new Debian 
> server as well as PHP 7.1 that I have activated after removal of the 
> obsolete package PHP 5.6.30. 
> Everything was fine on the server and i could access the server for 
> normal usage or administration purpose without issues. 
> As an admin, I was in Administration/Configuration and clicked on 
> the link to check the latest versions of all the Horde packages. 
> I was in the administration section, I have checked the latest 
> versions of the packages and then did a 'pear install 
> channel://pear.horde.org/horde_activesync-2.38.8' followed by a 
> 'pear install --alldeps channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Core-2.30.2'. 
> The updated packages are : 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Compress-2.2.1 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Date-2.4.1 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_ActiveSync-2.38.8 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Mime_Viewer-2.2.2 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Imap_Client-2.29.15 
> install ok: channel://pear.php.net/Archive_Tar-1.4.3 
> install ok: channel://pear.php.net/XML_Util-1.4.2 
> install ok: channel://pear.php.net/PEAR-1.10.5 
> install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Core-2.30.2 
> I then clicked on the Horde 5.2.16 link to check some data and I got 
> this error which prevent me from going further in the administration 
> process : 
> syntax error, unexpected 'new' (T_NEW) 
> in /usr/share/php/Services/Weather.php:167 
> 1. Horde_Config_Form->__construct() /var/www/horde/admin/config/config.php:35 
> 2. Horde_Config->readXMLConfig() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config/Form.php:58 
> 3. Horde_Config->_parseLevel() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:204 
> 4. Horde_Config->_parseLevel() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:725 
> 5. Horde_Config->_parseLevel() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:712 
> 6. Horde_Config->_getEnumValues() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:602 
> 7. Horde_Config->_handleSpecials() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:1803 
> 8. Horde_Registry->callAppMethod() /usr/share/php/Horde/Config.php:1874 
> 9. Horde_Application->configSpecialValues() 
> /usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php:1197 
> 10. Horde_Core_Block_Collection->getBlocksList() 
> /var/www/horde/lib/Application.php:122 
> 11. Horde_Core_Block_Collection->_loadBlocks() 
> /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Block/Collection.php:159 
> 12. Horde_Block_Metar->__construct() 
> /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Block/Collection.php:500 
> 13. class_exists() /var/www/horde/lib/Block/Metar.php:21 
> 14. spl_autoload_call() 
> 15. Horde_Autoloader->loadClass() 
> 16. Horde_Autoloader->_include() /usr/share/php/Horde/Autoloader.php:65 
> Do you have an idea of what is broken ? 
> Can I revert to previous packages (i.e. uninstall the latests ones 
> upgraded using channel://pear.horde.org) ? 
> Thank you for your help. 

I have the same issue after each horde upgrade. Just remove 
Services_Weather which is not compatible with PHP 7 and you can access 
the admin page again. 

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