[horde] Many problems with installation

Ralph Ballier ballier at mail.schule.de
Sun Oct 1 22:32:51 UTC 2017

  ----- Nachricht von SZÉPE Viktor <viktor at szepe.net> ---------
  Datum: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 21:34:33 +0200
    Von: SZÉPE Viktor <viktor at szepe.net>
Betreff: Re: [horde] Many problems with installation
     An: horde at lists.horde.org

> Idézem/Quoting Ralph Ballier <ballier at mail.schule.de>:
>> ----- Nachricht von SZÉPE Viktor <viktor at szepe.net> ---------
>>   Datum: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 09:57:56 +0200
>>     Von: SZÉPE Viktor <viktor at szepe.net>
>> Betreff: Re: [horde] Many problems with installation
>>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>> Idézem/Quoting Ralph Ballier <ballier at mail.schule.de>:
>>>> Apparently, it is difficult to give me a clue. Is there not an  
>>>> alternative option to install horde? An installation without  
>>>> using pear? That would help me already.
>>>> I would also be helped, if I would know, which files in horde/js  
>>>> must be. How can it be that in the old installation completely  
>>>> different and much more JS files are?
>>>> Every note is welcome.
>>>> --
>>>> Horde mailing list
>>>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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>>> Hello Ralph!
>>> An actual separation would be running Horde in a container, that  
>>> would be totally clean.
>>> I use these to install Horde:
>>> - separate Linux user
>>> - separate PHP-FPM pool
>>> - separate Apache vhost
>>> - local PEAR instance
>>> See  
>>> https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/blob/master/mail/Horde.md
>>> When it comes to PECL extensions I use them from Debian packages
>>> https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/blob/master/mail/Horde.md#extensions
>>> You find some customization in
>>> https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/tree/master/mail/horde
>>> Please report any errors you find.
>>> Thanks!
>>> SZÉPE Viktor, honlap üzemeltetés
>> I did everything as you described it and it ran off without error messages.
>> Only the database tables I have not yet generated. You have written:
>> "# Create database tables
>> PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR = "/ home / horde / website" php -d  
>> "include_path =.: / Home / horde / website / pear / php"
>>      / Home / horde / website / pear / horde-db-migrate "
>> Do I really create the tables? I thought "horde-db-migrate" is for  
>> the transition from Horde 3 to Horde 4?
> Hello Ralph!
> I am not an export on this field. There are only 2 or 3 Horde  
> installations in my bag.
> SZÉPE Viktor, honlap üzemeltetés

Hello Viktor,

you had wrote such a nice instruction. Then I thought you were  
well-versed. Now I can not continue because I do not know how to set  
up the tables.

  I have now stopped trying a new installation. I have seen that with  
the existing instructions no installation is possible for me.
  Instead I copied the previous installation completely from old  
server to new server.
  Everything seems to work well. Only with CalDAV I have problems. The  
names of the calendars are transferred, but he dates are not  
transferred. In the error_log of Apache there is the message
  "PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted  
(tried to allocate 1608531968 bytes) in  
/usr/share/php/Hords/ErrorHandler.php on line 130".

But I have already increased memory size several times. What else can I do?

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