[horde] ActiveSync - PHP Fatal error when an event invitation is accepted on iPhone / iPad

Rubén A. Mansilla ruben.mansilla at spamina.com
Tue Nov 7 19:39:35 UTC 2017

Dear List,

I'm experiencing problems with calendar synchronization: an event 
invitation is accepted on iPhone / iPad but it is not being synchronized 
and reflected in the Horde Calendar. iPad has IOS 10.

I'm getting the following PHP Fatal error:

     [Wed Nov 01 15:30:17 2017] [error] [client] PHP Fatal 
error:  Call to a member function getStructure() on a non-object in 
/usr/share/php/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Mail.php on line 329

The logs are telling that iPad is sending an SmartForward command:

     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] 
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::authenticate() attempt for user at dominio.com
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] SMARTFORWARD request 
received for user user at dominio.com
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] Device entry exists for 
3UVHMAS7PD04P02OD1L6PBECDG, updating userAgent and version.
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] Request being handled for 
device: 3UVHMAS7PD04P02OD1L6PBECDG, Supporting protocol version: 14.1, 
Using Horde_ActiveSync v2.20.1
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] GET VARIABLES: Array
         [User] => user at dominio.com
         [DeviceId] => 3UVHMAS7PD04P02OD1L6PBECDG
         [DeviceType] => iPad
         [Cmd] => SmartForward

     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 INFO: [4394] Handling SENDMAIL command 
with Wbxml.
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I <ComposeMail:SmartForward>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I <ComposeMail:ClientId>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I 
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I </ComposeMail:ClientId>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I 
<ComposeMail:SaveInSentItems />
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I <ComposeMail:Source>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I <ComposeMail:FolderId>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I      Accd0f135
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I </ComposeMail:FolderId>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I </ComposeMail:Source>
     2017-11-01T14:30:16+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I <ComposeMail:MIME>
     2017-11-01T14:30:17+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I     Content-Type: /
     From: user at dominio.com
     Mime-Version: 1.0 (1.0)
     Subject: Evento a Gustavo
     Message-Id: <1AC18D77-B43D-40E0-AD9C-A56B7A71B208 at dominio.com>
     Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 11:30:15 -0300
     To: other-user at dominio.com

     2017-11-01T14:30:17+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I </ComposeMail:MIME>
     2017-11-01T14:30:17+00:00 DEBUG: [4394] I </ComposeMail:SmartForward>

As you can se I'm using ActiveSync v2.20.1.

Debugging the code we found Horde is expecting for ItemId element but 
iOS's ActiveSync client is not sending such a thing.

According to the specification, the ItemId element must be present when 
FolderId element is present: FolderId

     The FolderId element is an optional child element of the Source 
element in SmartForward command requests and SmartReply command requests 
that specifies the folder ID for the source message, which is returned 
in the FolderSync command response message (section If the 
FolderId element is present, the ItemId element (section MUST 
also be present. The FolderId element value can be up to 64 characters 
in length.

Is there a solution or a workaround for this issue? Is it perhaps solved 
in some updated version of ActiveSync?

Thanks in advance for your valuable help.

Kind regards,


*Rubén A. Mansilla <http://www.linkedin.com/in/rubenmansilla>* | *Head 
of Argentina Branch* | Tel: +54 9 249 449 9296 | 
ruben.mansilla at spamina.com | www.spamina.com <http://www.spamina.com/>
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