[horde] Whups overdue tickets

Jamie Allen jamie at jsdckr.nz
Fri Jan 5 05:18:22 UTC 2018

  Kia ora

Thank you to the creators of Whups. It is an incredible resource and  
is making our work so, so much easier since we discovered it. I have  
read the documentation, for Horde 5.2.22 but have not been able to  
find a way of alerting the user responsible when a ticket has passed  
its due date. I was wondering if this might automatically be picked up  
by Horde Alarms - but if so, I have missed something - for which I  

Also, can anyone please advise if there's a way to build a query to  
show only overdue tickets (in all queues)?

  Many thanks indeed for your help,

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