[horde] ActiveSync SQL errors

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Jan 6 06:06:50 UTC 2018

Quoting Nels Lindquist <nlindq at maei.ca>:

> On 2018/01/04 2:42 PM, Nels Lindquist wrote:
>> On 2018/01/03 8:33 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>> From: Nels Lindquist <nlindq at maei.ca>
>>>> I'm seeing intermittent errors like this for a user whose
>>>> Outlook EAS profile has reset and re-downloaded all mail a
>>>> couple of times.  Any suggestions?
>>>> Jan  3 11:28:29 mail3 HORDE: SQL QUERY FAILED:
>>>> SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR:  duplicate key
>>>> value violates unique constraint
>>>> "horde_activesync_state_pkey"#012DETAIL:  Key
>>>> (sync_key)=({5a4ceddc-5cac-4989-afb5-66b6423361e2}51) already
>>>> exists. #012#011INSERT INTO "horde_activesync_state"
>>>> ("sync_key", "sync_data",#012#011  "sync_devid", "sync_mod",
>>>> "sync_folderid", "sync_user",#012#011 "sync_pending",
>>>> "sync_timestamp") VALUES (?, :binary0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,#012#011
>>>> ?) [pid 12915 on line 282 of
>>>> "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php"]
>>> Check the activesync log output for that device.
>> I've enabled per-device logging for that domain and verified that
>> device logs are being generated.  I'm not seeing any obvious
>> errors showing up for the affected device; anything in particular I
>> should be looking for?
> Okay, I'm now seeing ActiveSync device log errors like this:
> [16497][2018-01-05T10:22:13-07:00] NOTICE: STATE: Error saving state,
> checking if this is due to previous synckey
> {59f8f065-66c8-4d7d-a266-12c3423361e2}200 not being accepted by client.
> The timestamps on these errors correspond to the SQL query failures.

Yes. Exactly. Basically it's means that for some reason the client  
either did receive or did not understand the last sync response from  
the server, so the client is basically asking for the same information  
again (as specified by it sending the same synckey again).  The server  
is noticing that it already sent this response, but it does not know  
why the client is not accepting/receiving it, so all it can do is send  
it the same response again. This error is a side-effect of this.

As to WHY the client is not accepting the response, I would need to  
see the full synclog to attempt to figure it out. Does this happen  
frequently? Does the affected client operate normally?

> - ----
> Nels Lindquist
> <nlindq at maei.ca>--
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