[horde] backspace delete messages

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 10 17:45:14 UTC 2018

Zitat von A. Schulze <sca at andreasschulze.de>:

> Jan Schneider:
>> Zitat von A. Schulze <sca at andreasschulze.de>:
>>> Hello,
>>> just noted that pressing BACKSPACE on a message selected in IMP  
>>> /delete/ the message.
>>> I would expect deletion only on "DEL". Is the BACKSPACE  
>>> intentional used to delete objects?
>>> Andreas
>> Yes. Its a valid deletion key too.
> Hi Jan,
> at least it's uncommon. I tried Thunderbird and Outlook for example.  
> They don't use BACKSPACE to /delete/ messages.

It's common on Macs for example, because they don't have a delete key.

> May I disable/redefine that keybinding?


> If not, where inside horde is this implemented.

base.js IIRC.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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