[horde] list owner privileges

Gonzalo Palacios Goicolea gonzalo.palacios at externo.uam.es
Tue Jan 23 07:57:31 UTC 2018

El 22/01/2018 a las 18:14, Jens-U. Mozdzen escribió:
> Hi,
> Zitat von Gonzalo Palacios Goicolea <gonzalo.palacios at externo.uam.es>:
>> Hi All,
>> We have 5 lists with the same config,
>> [...]
>> mysql> select list_admin, include_sources_admin from admin_table 
>> where user_admin="xxxxx at uam.es";
>> +---------------+-----------------------+
>> | list_admin    | include_sources_admin |
>> +---------------+-----------------------+
>> | users-uam-l   |                       |
>> | estudiantes-l | NULL                  |
>> | pas-l         | NULL                  |
>> | pdi-l         | NULL                  |
>> | predoc-l      | NULL                  |
>> +---------------+-----------------------+
>> 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> What is the function of this database field?
>> We're not sure if this is the key for solve this issue, but it is an 
>> starting point.
>> Thanks
> it seems this is a question about Sympa (https://www.sympa.org) and 
> your question should go to some list from 
> https://listes.renater.fr/sympa/lists/informatique/sympa (probably 
> sympa-es at listes.renater.fr ?)
> Regards,
> J


Yes, it's a sympa issue, sorry for mess it up.


*Gonzalo Palacios Goicolea*

/Tecnologías de la Información/
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid • Campus de Cantoblanco
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