[horde] CardDAV turba how to sync custom X-fields

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Tue Jun 5 08:48:54 UTC 2018

Am 05.06.2018 um 10:30 schrieb Ralf Lang:
> Hallo,
> I want to create an addressbook field for xmpp uid and enable caldav 
> synchronisation for this field.
> 1) Add the field type definition to attributes.local.php
> 2) Add the defined field to the backend mapping in backends.local.php
> 3) Ensure the backend (sql table or ldap tree) actually has the 
> required field
> That's the easy part. But how to expose the custom field to carddav as 
> an X-field
> IMPP;X-SERVICE-TYPE=jabber:xmpp:somebody at somewhere.net

I looked into the code and at first glance I think that the mapping is 
hardcoded in Driver->toVcard and cannot be changed without patching the 

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