[horde] Wrong upgrade notifications

Andreas Mauser andreas at mauser.info
Fri Jul 6 14:21:30 UTC 2018

----- Nachricht von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> ---------
      Datum: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 14:19:43 +0000
        Von: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Antwort an: mrubinsk at horde.org
    Betreff: Re: [horde] Wrong upgrade notifications
         An: horde at lists.horde.org

> Quoting Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:
>> ----- Nachricht von Philipp Faeustlin  
>> <philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de> ---------
>>  Datum: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 15:45:09 +0200
>>    Von: Philipp Faeustlin <philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de>
>> Betreff: Re: [horde] Wrong upgrade notifications
>>     An: horde <horde at lists.horde.org>
>>> Am 06.07.2018 um 10:57 schrieb Ferdinand Gruber:
>>>> Am 2018-07-05 um 22:38 schrieb Jan Schneider:
>>>>> Zitat von Ferdinand Gruber <fer.grub at yahoo.de>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> on the Administration page of Horde Groupware, I see that there  
>>>>>> are several new modules available, e.g. Horde_ActiveSync
>>>>>> But after typing in the terminal:
>>>>>>     pear upgrade horde/Horde_ActiveSync
>>>>>> I get this message:
>>>>>>     Nothing to upgrade
>>>>>> This behaviour occurs with all modules beginning with Horde_  
>>>>>> (e.g. Horde_ActiveSync, Horde_Auth, Horde_alarm, ... ).
>>>>> You probably have different pear configurations for the  
>>>>> webserver user and the console user.
>>>> Unfortunately I don't know how to handle this. Please can you  
>>>> give me a hint.
>>> I can see the same behavior. As soon as I install horde 5.2.18,  
>>> the Horde Configuration version check website doesn't work like  
>>> before.
>>> It says that there are updates for Horde_ActiveSync and so on, but  
>>> pear list -c horde says that this version is already installed.
>> Same here. GUI shows updates, but 'pear upgrade-all' does nothing upgrade.
> What does `pear list -c horde` show for someone having this issue?
> The pear server, as well as the failover server, contains all the  
> current packages. Browsing to https://pear.horde.org shows the  
> current packages as well. FWIW, the upgrade to our demo server  
> worked as expected after the releases.

My system:

pear list -c horde
Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
Package                      Version  State
Horde_ActiveSync             2.39.3   stable
Horde_Alarm                  2.2.10   stable
Horde_Argv                   2.1.0    stable
Horde_Auth                   2.2.2    stable
Horde_Autoloader             2.1.2    stable
Horde_Browser                2.0.15   stable
Horde_Cache                  2.5.5    stable
Horde_Cli                    2.3.0    stable
Horde_Compress               2.2.1    stable
Horde_Compress_Fast          1.1.1    stable
Horde_Constraint             2.0.3    stable
Horde_Controller             2.0.5    stable
Horde_Core                   2.31.3   stable
Horde_Crypt                  2.7.12   stable
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish         1.1.2    stable
Horde_CssMinify              1.0.4    stable
Horde_Css_Parser             1.0.11   stable
Horde_Data                   2.1.4    stable
Horde_Date                   2.4.1    stable
Horde_Date_Parser            2.0.6    stable
Horde_Dav                    1.1.4    stable
Horde_Db                     2.4.0    stable
Horde_Editor                 2.0.5    stable
Horde_ElasticSearch          1.0.4    stable
Horde_Exception              2.0.8    stable
Horde_Feed                   2.0.4    stable
Horde_Form                   2.0.18   stable
Horde_Group                  2.1.1    stable
Horde_HashTable              1.2.6    stable
Horde_History                2.3.6    stable
Horde_Http                   2.1.7    stable
Horde_Icalendar              2.1.8    stable
Horde_Idna                   1.1.1    stable
Horde_Image                  2.5.3    stable
Horde_Imap_Client            2.29.16  stable
Horde_Imsp                   2.0.10   stable
Horde_Injector               2.0.5    stable
Horde_Itip                   2.1.2    stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify       1.1.5    stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify_Jsmin 1.0.2    stable
Horde_Kolab_Format           2.0.9    stable
Horde_Kolab_Server           2.0.5    stable
Horde_Kolab_Session          2.0.3    stable
Horde_Kolab_Storage          2.2.3    stable
Horde_Ldap                   2.4.1    stable
Horde_ListHeaders            1.2.5    stable
Horde_Lock                   2.1.4    stable
Horde_Log                    2.3.0    stable
Horde_LoginTasks             2.0.7    stable
Horde_Mail                   2.6.4    stable
Horde_Mail_Autoconfig        1.0.3    stable
Horde_ManageSieve            1.0.2    stable
Horde_Mapi                   1.0.8    stable
Horde_Memcache               2.1.1    stable
Horde_Mime                   2.11.0   stable
Horde_Mime_Viewer            2.2.2    stable
Horde_Mongo                  1.1.0    stable
Horde_Nls                    2.2.1    stable
Horde_Notification           2.0.4    stable
Horde_Oauth                  2.0.4    stable
Horde_OpenXchange            1.0.1    stable
Horde_Pack                   1.0.7    stable
Horde_Pdf                    2.0.7    stable
Horde_Perms                  2.1.7    stable
Horde_Prefs                  2.9.0    stable
Horde_Queue                  1.1.5    stable
Horde_Rdo                    2.1.0    stable
Horde_Role                   1.0.1    stable
Horde_Routes                 2.0.5    stable
Horde_Rpc                    2.1.8    stable
Horde_Scheduler              2.0.3    stable
Horde_Scribe                 2.0.3    stable
Horde_Secret                 2.0.6    stable
Horde_Serialize              2.0.5    stable
Horde_Service_Facebook       2.0.10   stable
Horde_Service_Gravatar       1.0.1    stable
Horde_Service_Twitter        2.1.6    stable
Horde_Service_UrlShortener   2.0.3    stable
Horde_Service_Weather        2.5.4    stable
Horde_SessionHandler         2.2.9    stable
Horde_Share                  2.2.0    stable
Horde_Smtp                   1.9.5    stable
Horde_Socket_Client          2.1.2    stable
Horde_SpellChecker           2.1.3    stable
Horde_Stream                 1.6.3    stable
Horde_Stream_Filter          2.0.4    stable
Horde_Stream_Wrapper         2.1.4    stable
Horde_Stringprep             1.0.4    stable
Horde_Support                2.2.0    stable
Horde_SyncMl                 2.0.7    stable
Horde_Template               2.0.3    stable
Horde_Test                   2.6.3    stable
Horde_Text_Diff              2.2.0    stable
Horde_Text_Filter            2.3.5    stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Jsmin      1.0.2    stable
Horde_Text_Flowed            2.0.3    stable
Horde_Thrift                 2.0.3    stable
Horde_Timezone               1.1.0    stable
Horde_Token                  2.0.9    stable
Horde_Translation            2.2.2    stable
Horde_Tree                   2.0.5    stable
Horde_Url                    2.2.6    stable
Horde_Util                   2.5.8    stable
Horde_Vfs                    2.4.0    stable
Horde_View                   2.0.6    stable
Horde_Xml_Element            2.0.4    stable
Horde_Xml_Wbxml              2.0.3    stable
ansel                        3.0.8    stable
content                      2.0.6    stable
gollem                       3.0.12   stable
horde                        5.2.18   stable
horde_lz4                    1.0.10   stable
imp                          6.2.22   stable
ingo                         3.2.16   stable
kronolith                    4.2.24   stable
mnemo                        4.2.14   stable
nag                          4.2.18   stable
sesha                        1.0.0RC3 beta
timeobjects                  2.1.4    stable
trean                        1.1.9    stable
turba                        4.2.22   stable
webmail                      5.2.22   stable
whups                        3.0.12   stable
wicked                       2.0.8    stable

Hope that helps.

>>> The question is, is this a new unexpected feature/bug or are the  
>>> horde modules installed in different versions (locations) and now  
>>> the active modules used are not the up-to-date ones.
>> ----- Ende der Nachricht von Philipp Faeustlin  
>> <philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de> -----

----- Ende der Nachricht von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> -----

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