[horde] GNUPG key creation failing

Interpost.biz Webmaster info at interpost.biz
Mon Jul 30 07:15:52 UTC 2018


Re: horde 5 groupware webmail install.

With gnupg key creation enabled, installation of the keypair is not  
happenning, and I can't find any logged error messages as to why.  I  
have tried this with gnupg at /usr/bin/gpg and with gnupg2 - there is  
a symlink at /usr/bin/gpg2 - I assume it's OK to use that symlink?  is  
gnu^pg or gnupg2 recommended?

I don't know if this is an IMP or a Horde error - does anyone have  
this working properly?

I am able to create the keypair and import manually, however the  
buttons in IMP are not working, and I believe I have set this up  


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Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-keys
Size: 3200 bytes
Desc: PGP Public Key
URL: <https://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/attachments/20180730/92baf2cc/attachment.bin>

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