[horde] Transition to Composer

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Thu Feb 7 17:44:24 UTC 2019


Am 07.02.19 um 09:43 schrieb Twilek:
> Hi all,
> I have read Ralf Lang´s blog post
> (https://www.ralf-lang.de/2019/02/07/pear-down-taking-horde-to-composer/)
> with great interest and do think that moving to composer is the right
> step as the PEAR ecosystem seems be dying. I just wondered wether
> there are concrete plans  and a roadmap on how the transition is going
> to take place and will there be an upgrade path in the future for an
> existing pear installation (at least if only the standard webmail
> installation is used)?
> Regards
> Henning

Please keep in mind I am in a very early stage of this project, though
it's a pretty high priority for me since recently, conflicting things I
originally wanted to do in the available time.

There are still a few points I am unsure about.

- handling dependency references to pear/pear-core itself. Should they
be silently dropped, assuming they are only relevant in pear installations?
- How to amend .horde.yml format for designating dependencies only
needed in composer (like composer/installer)
- How to integrate to the release pipeline
- Will the horde autoloader and the composer autoloader cooperate nicely?
- Does replacing the old composer-via-pear json files kill any

WRT an upgrade path from pear to composer:

You should have a running (staging!) installation.
The horde_dir config can be read from pear, from there I can make some
assumption where registry lives. From registry it should be possible to
get the filesystem locations of all apps. For each apps, assuming
configs live in /config/, they can be copied. I wouldn't like to build
much magic here. A default install should be ready to run after that.
Some more advanced configs may need manual editing. Changing the apache
webroot of your vhost would likely be sufficient. In case it doesn't run
out of the box, just switch the vhost back while looking at things.

That's my vision, at least.

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