[horde] Kill Current Session

Philipp Faeustlin philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de
Wed May 22 15:08:34 UTC 2019


trying to kill a users horde session on the admin's sessions page 
results in following error:

"Failed to kill session of user ...

and the session won't get killed.

With debug log activated I can find following log:

DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Failed to destroy session data 
(n8d8rdim4k6e12ni2...) [pid 2183 on line 26 of 

It seem that "$session->sessionHandler->destroy($sessionId)" fails, but why?

How can I further debug this problem, or is it a bug?

I'm using Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.22 installed via pear.

Best regards

Philipp Fäustlin

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