[horde] php verion issue in new installation

Daniel Stonek daniel at stonek.com
Fri Oct 11 23:51:13 UTC 2019


I've just installed Horde following instructions


This is a VPS with Centos 7 Apache 2.4 that has installed by default php5.6
I also installed php7.2

 From Virtualmin I created a sub-domain to host Horde
Process was okay but test.php using php7.2 outputs

Could not find Horde's framework libraries in the following path(s): 
Please read horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install these 

Switching to php5.6 login page loads correctly and login is successful

I understand that it is a mixing php versions issue, I'm asking how to 
fix it for php7.2

php -i | grep include_path ->
include_path => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php => 

Thank you

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